Episode 115 | Shepherding a Teen's Heart with Tedd Tripp
Are you struggling with how to reach the heart of your teenager? Do you find that the older they get, the less they want to listen to your counsel and the less influence you have in their lives? Join Katy and me, along with special guest Tedd Tripp, as we discuss how parents can help teenagers understand what it means to fear the Lord and how we should change our methods of training and instructing as children move into the teen years.
We have a brand new episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:
Episode 115 | Shepherding a Teen's Heart with Tedd Tripp: As parents, we must remind ourselves daily that we need God each and every day to be the parent He’s called us to be. Our kids watch us, but our teens watch us like hawks. We have to model before our children what the conviction of the Holy Spirit looks like and how we are to rightly respond to that conviction. Yes, we should glorify God in the way we live, but we also have to humble ourselves in front of our children when we get it wrong. Look for ways to make your home appealing and a place where teenagers want to be. Know their friends, be involved with them, and be engaged!
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