Episode 114 | When Kids Beg and Cry for Things

Does the sound of your kids begging equate to nails on a chalkboard? Ever skip a much-needed trip to the grocery store because you just can’t handle the meltdown when you turn down those enticing treats at the checkout? Join Katy and me for another edition of “Ask Ginger” (also known as “Q & A Day”) as we discuss how we can redirect our children’s attention to what’s going on in their hearts when they beg and cry for things.

We have a brand new episode of the 
Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Episode 114 | When Kids Beg and Cry for Things: What we should fear more than misbehaving children are missed opportunities to teach them a healthy fear of God. Consistent correction and loving discipline are the means through which God uses parents to instill His valuable lessons and promises in regards to sowing and reaping. God created his children to find their greatest joy and their greatest satisfaction in seeking Him as their greatest treasure. Our children are never too young for us to point them to Jesus who has truly provided them with everything they need. Let’s take every opportunity we can to speak His wonderful truths into their lives.

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