Episode 110 | Lying and Whining

Does your child struggle with lying or whining and you aren’t sure how to get to the heart of those frustrating issues? Join Katy and me for another edition of “Ask Ginger” (also known as “Q & A Day”) as we discuss how to address these problems from a biblical and practical standpoint.

We have a brand new episode of the 
Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Episode 110 | Lying and Whining: It's important to be honest and speak the truth because not only does that honor and please God, but it also establishes a firm foundation of trust. When children whine, we want to view those times as precious opportunities to train them in self-control, not as frustrating moments of inconvenience for us. We can view both of these struggles as times to point our children to the truths of God’s Word and the transformational power of Christ. When parents ask for God’s will to be done, He is faithful to shine light where there is darkness.

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