Episode 148 | Teaching Kids Life Skills with Sonya Shafer

Have you started teaching your kids how to do the dishes, set the table, or help with the laundry? Ever considered the importance of showing your children how to plan out a grocery list and prep meals for the family? Join Katy and me along with special guest, Sonya Shafer, as we discuss the importance of equipping our children with life skills now and how they can use that to minister to your current family, their future households, and others who are in need.

We have a brand new episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Episode 148 | Teaching Kids Life Skills with Sonya Shafer: Start the process of teaching your children life skills now. Don’t wait and send your child out into the world unequipped to succeed. Our attitude toward home skills sets the stage. If we see housework as unimportant, menial labor to be done grudgingly when we have to, our children will pick up on that. Turn your household chores into an act of worship, doing it for the Lord. It’s important work, and we are equipping our children with valuable skills they can put into practice now and in the future.

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