Episode 070 | 5 Lies Christian Moms Believe with Alisa Childers (Part 1)

Are you confused and even bothered by some of the things you hear from popular Christian authors and podcasters and how they can affect you and your children? Are you excited to learn more about how you can recognize and challenge some of the lies that are being taught? Join Katy and me along with special guest, Alisa Childers, as we discuss the troubling shift in the Christian church toward Progressive Christianity and how we can stand firm on the truths of the Word of God.

We have a brand new episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Episode 070 | 5 Lies Christian Moms Believe with Alisa Childers (Part 1)It’s easy to believe the lie that we are enough, but the truth of God’s word is that Jesus is enough. The Bible is the boss of us, and our authority is the Word of God. When we're able to identify false teachings within the church, we're able to equip our kids to the do the same. The Bible calls fellow Christians to judge rightly within the church for the sake of the purity of the church and to bring the sinner to repentance.

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