Are you looking for fun and creative ways to teach your kids about the true meaning of Easter this year?
Are you looking for fun and creative ways to teach your kids about the true meaning of Easter this year? Are you longing to see your children get more excited about the resurrection of Jesus, rather than egg hunts, Easter baskets, and getting hopped up on sugar? Join Katy as me as we share fun ideas for keeping Jesus the center of your Easter celebration.
We have a special episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available as we look forward to Easter! Here’s a little more about what you can expect:
Episode 007 - Fun Ideas for a Christ-Centered Easter: This is the perfect time to teach our children more about who Jesus is and what he’s done for us. There are so many simple ways to do this and so many fun resources available to us. So, don’t let the opportunities pass. I encourage you to prepare ahead of time, and be intentional about keeping Jesus Christ, our Lord, at the very center of your Easter celebration. Let’s show our children that nothing and no one is more worthy of celebrating than Jesus.
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